Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Movie Review

Let Me Have It Rating: 4/10

So here we have it.  Another Jack Ryan film that will never live up to the original with Harrison Ford.  Or even the one with Alec Baldwin.  Sorry Chris Pine.  Now there was some action.  There was some layers to the story that we didn't get with any previous ones.  But here's what we're missing.  Payoffs!

What's a payoff?  That's when they set you up for something in the beginning of a movie and then that comment, story, quip pays off later.  Coming full circle and making the different pieces make sense.

I'll give you an example.  Keira Knightley's character doesn't want to get married, for reasons unknown.  We find out throughout the movie that Jack Ryan's proposed and asked many times.  So do we ever really find out why?  Do we learn what happened to make her doubt him?  No and then she marries him at the end when he almost dies.  Yep.  So fellas out there, if your lady won't say no, just try and almost get yourself killed and she'll be more than ready to walk down that aisle.

And Kevin Costner, so sorry.  I kept waiting for you to turn out to be a bad guy at the end.  Don't you now that in these stories, the mentor has to either die or turn to the dark side to add some drama and leave the main character out on his own?  He never really had to grow up in this film.  He always had big brother watching.

I'll keep waiting for a Jack Ryan that gets me to the emotion of the original.  Good attempt, but fell well short.

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